For those who have been following up on this singer's love life,you will all be releaved to know 'he has a new girlfriend'..and SHE is not among the Tanzanian celebrities!!

 This Fashion Icon in the Tanzanian music industry told Millard Ayo on "Amplifaya" on Clouds Fm,..that,he is dating another girl for almost two months now...And he wants it..(the relationship) to stay low since his new girl is not a celebrity and he (Diamond) is trying to avoid scandals like what happened to his former relationship!

 Now...you all remember the "Diamonds are Forever" concert of last month? In that concert,we got to see the really status of the relationship between Diamond and his former girlfriend,Wema Sepetu(former Miss Tanzania). Diamond poured his heart out,and as per his song lyrics,he seemed hurt pretty bad!!

So,when he refused to aknowledge Wema's "generosity"......we knew it was over...and we gossiped much on "who is the new girlfriend?"...Some rumoured it to be Jokate...BUT now the news is out...Its NOT Jokate...the new girlfriend is just a girl next dooor,and not a Tanzanian celeb/superstar...we are yet to capture a picture of the two.....

We wish you luck,Diamond....God knows you deserve it :))
